Success stories

Jalal Orujov

Member of the Executive Board, Chief Operations Officer, PASHA Bank

ASHBURN International’s offer for PASHA Bank made it possible to increase the reliability and efficiency of the infrastructure for receiving card payments, which is a tangible contribution to the overall development of the payment services segment in the country. Using the TransLink.iQ solution, PASHA Bank expanded its capabilities to develop the payment terminals functionality and to offer customers additional services for the further successful development of their business

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Svajūnė Marcinkevičienė

SMK Communication department manager

"Socialinių mokslų kolegija takes pride in being a modern scholar environment. That is why we are so happy to become the first institution to benefit from Lithuania’s fastest internet."

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Egita Ermane

head of E-Commerce Office of BlueOrange Bank

"While choosing partners to implement the project and install the first contactless ATMs in Latvia, BlueOrange Bank considered the proposals of the most professional and experienced representatives of ATM’s business. Our choice was successful – as the service provider BS/2 has many years of experience and supplies a truly German quality for Diebold Nixdorf ATMs and delivers diverse support at the European level."

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Achror Abramovič Machmudov

CRPC General Director Akhror Makhmudov

"The Processing Center introduces innovative solutions in Uzbekistan and ensures the highest quality of services. ASHBURN International was chosen as a partner not by chance. Its comprehensive solution is most consistent with the CRPC’s business development strategy. The wide functionality of the TransLink.iQ software provides the ability to process large data streams. Our partnership guarantees the stability and efficiency of the Uzbek banking sector development."

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Sharaf Novruzov

CIO of the historic architectural reserve Icheri-sheher

"Introducing technologic innovations is an important aspect of developing our historic district. The company BS/2 evaluated our demands with great attention to detail. Their approach to project execution was flexible, allowing for a swift terminal deployment."

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Mindaugas Dabulis

Findir Consulting CEO

"When choosing a service provider, we were attracted by a detailed description of the ProfIT offer and the professional approach towards the client: company representatives carefully analyzed our needs and considered all the conditions of the industry. I recommend entrusting such processes to experienced specialists who are always ready to consult you on technical issues."

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Stasys Stumbrys

General Director of the Insurance Brokerage Company "Drausma"

"Nowadays, when banks reduce the branches number, the possibility of cashless payments is especially relevant. Our work is becoming more efficient."

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Irma Žvarelaitė

Brasa administrator

"We appreciate the help of PKKC specialists. They work smoothly, quickly adapt to innovations, eliminate outdated solutions, and always cater to our exact needs."

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